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This software makes use of the following libraries under MIT License (MIT):
jQuery, Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors,
Chartsjs, Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Nick Downie.
Minimalect, Copyright (c) 2014 Developed by [@groenroos].
Calcooling keeps the right to modify without notice all necessary updates by changing, deleting or adding any contents or services or the way they are shown or located in our servers.
The documents and software in this site may contain technical mistakes or typing errors. Calcooling cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or correctness of this content. You therefore acknowledge that you use this information exclusively under your own responsibility. Calcooling shall not be held responsible for any consequence that may arise from the use of this software.
Calculation of cold rooms, process rooms, blast cooling tunnels, etc.
Calculation and selection of refrigeration units for cold rooms
Calculation and selection of air-cooling evaporating units operating with HFC refrigerant
Calculation and selection of condensing units and refrigeration plants with air-cooled condenser.
Calculation and selection of water-cooled condensing units
Calculation of refrigerant pipes for refrigeration split units and centralised DX systems.
Calculation and selection of air-cooling units operating with glycol water or brine
Calculation and selection of process chillers
Calculation of hydraulic pipes for indirect refrigeration systems with glycol water or brine.
Calculation rule for thermophysical properties of most usual refrigerants.
Calculation of the refrigerant charge limit according to safety regulations.
Calculation of psychrometric properties of moist air.